Thursday, January 19, 2017

Truth About Kali Maa

Kali Maa :-  The every breath i take is blessing of kali maa.

  • She is the Supreme power
  • She is  the Dark mother
  • She is also Parvathi Maa
  • She can't function without consciousness of shiva
  • Kali Maa is form of Durga,Saraswathi,Lakshmi & Kali
  • Her Complexion is deep blue like Sky, So she is limit less
  • She is form of Ten headed and she is watching every direction
  • Mother main concern is wellbeing of child , So will take care of her child
  • Maa Red tongue indicated  thrust for blood of demons and evils .
  • The upper right arm grants fearlessness

  • The Lower right arm grants blessings
  • she holds sward with upper left arm and severed head with lower arm

  • She is called digambari and she is finite so no finite dress can cover her.

  • Her power destroys Human Ego and Evil effect
  • She has infinite strength
  • Her Waist is encircled girdle  human arms

  • Mother always resides in your heart
  • she will cut human bondage with sward of knowledge
  • She appreciates offering Red flower particularly Hibiscus flowers with true love
  • Worship of kali is to get freedom from ego and evil forces
  • she enter in your life if you let her
  • Teeth under red tongue is symboling spiritual knowledge

  • Please chant "Om-Kreem-Kalikayee-Namah"

Her Right foot is forward called Dakshina Kali

If Her Left foor is forward called Vama Kali (Destroying Form)

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