Friday, February 3, 2017

Nikumbala Devi

Nikumbhila Devi (Sri Maha Pratyangira Devi ) described in various tantras was worshiped by Indrajit, Ravana's son (Indrajit)

she is the lion-headed form of the Divine mother Prathyangira Amman is believed to have been manifested to calm Narasimha Swami's anger and to save the world from his ugraham after he killed demon Hiranyakashipu. Narasimha Swami's ugraham was unbearable since he consumed the intense evil and could not be pacified by other Gods Sri Maha Pratyangira Devi is all powerful and secretly protects devotees and when properly invoked prevents all types of harm to Devotees. She is within each and every being in all planes of existence, and there to be awakened within. Prathyangira Goddess of Victory A depiction of Prathyangira

The most important and fascinating ritual, at this temple is "Nikumbala Yajna" performed on 'new moon'(Ammavasai) days.The prayer and Yajna on an elaborate scale are conducted on every Ammavasai day - It is called "Nikumbala Yajna". Pooja time: 8 AM till 2 PM.


  1. The most important and fascinating ritual, at this temple is "Nikumbala Yajna" performed on 'new moon'(Ammavasai) days.The prayer and Yajna on an elaborate scale are conducted on every Ammavasai day - It is called "Nikumbala Yajna". Pooja time: 8 AM till 2 PM.

  2. Jai maa Nikumbhla koti koti naman

  3. Kindly let me know the cost of puja n location temple where this ll b performed
